Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Mōdere Week #1

I think I am going to screw this up every week. It's difficult to get a measurement when measuring yourself.

Scale: 251.4

Neck: 19 Inches

Chest: 47.5 Inches

Biceps: 16 Inches

Waist: 47 Inches

Hips: 44 Inches

Thigh: 26 Inches

Calf: 17 Inches

Time to Reboot!

Wow! It's been three years since I last posted! Yikes! A lot has happened! 

So how is everyone doing? I guess you can see that I fell off the wagon and I am now at my heaviest in 3 years! Things certainly came to a stand still in 2020 with this whole pandemic. We can still feel it's affects in 2021.

Let's catch up!

In 2019, I fired my bariatric doctors. I seriously had to tell them "bye". The doctor had me see the nutritionists that worked within the practice. I was bounced between two of them and never seemed to be on the "same page." I told the doctor of this and was told "I'll take care of it and make sure you only see one." Did that happen? No ways! So I told them "Bye!!"

I did manage to get a personal trainer after that. He corrected my nutrition and worked with me in the gym. I was able to get down from 240 to 231. Yes, that 230 has still been elusive! Pandemic hit and I have not gone to him since.

Fortunately or unfortunately, I have been working from home and while it's good that I don't have to get dressed, fight all that traffic, and all that other stuff, I have become lazy. We have had 2 major shut downs in the state and currently, we are in the slow process of opening up.

In that slow process and even the uneasiness of things, the gyms were closed for sometime and are limited to a 20% capacity (50% starting tomorrow). I don't know how I feel about going back to the gym. I cannot see myself in an indoor area, let alone having to wear a mask while working out. I am still not able to see my trainer in the meantime.

Then of course, this happened. As the world stood still, so did my lifestyle. We couldn't go out, the parks were closed, people we getting cited for even cutting through the park to get from one point to another.

Living here in Hawai'i, of course we rely heavily on things being imported, so much of my at home workout things were delayed for months.

Slowly its being mounted on the walls and I am just staring at it, well for now.

I have to admit however, at one point, I did hit 229, but it was for a short period of time. It was at that point, I skyrocketed 30 pounds! Not to mention I was fat shammed, so I told myself, I need to get by butt going again.

With the encouragement of a friend, I decided to try this Modere line of products. This is their Lean Body System. You're suppose to take this syrup thing in the morning (to me it was like eating straight chocolate frosting), a pill three times a day with a meal, and drink a digestive for three consecutive days. 

In addition, you are suppose to choose three habits to stick to as you go through this program.

A. Drink 5 (12oz) glasses of water
B. Avoid Sugary Drinks
C. Walk 7,500 Steps
D. Don't eat fried foods
E. Eliminate white flour, rice, and sugar

Maybe I am taking the easy way out of this one, but I chose the first three, since I pretty much already do that and I am VERY close to 7,500 its a day.

In doing this, I decided to reboot this blog to chronicle this journey, since you're suppose to take pics and take measurements. So since I've already have been doing this via this blog, I may as well kill two birds with one stone right?

So here is to a new journey......AGAIN!

Friday, April 19, 2019

April Update

I know I haven't been keeping up on this, or my journey to weight loss. In the months that I have not been blogging, I have managed to pretty much gaining back all the weight. Almost.....

I ditched my Bariatric Doctor and her two dietitians. They were just not on the same page with each other, so I told them I cannot be coming back because they were getting me super confused.

Went back to my Vegan habits, with some moments of cheating, and I guess that has not helped the cause......

Recently found the REDCON1 line of products. For those of you who know that line, yes, I know it's animal proteins..... Forgive me for being hypocritical, yikes!

I do this "Double Tap" drink first thing in the morning. It's a bit sweet for me, but I can appreciate it and tolerate it. After a while, I feel like typing like this:

aioewufglpqowafhplejoqjn;vffgfregergbfgloareibjglkjaewrvgfkbnalgtuvhqaltghlujnahawejqughiauehtugcu niwehpaehpwjtaouh;lqng;qrhgpouewhp aoghpvoerhtputvpoautoutgphnppoijp;eogrprthp oierhpoehtpgo hroetuhqontpcoerhntvenoutgorgn;qolnargo;!

Its a high fat burning, extreme energy drink that has me all jittery! The description states :"Body fat literally melts off while dramatically improving energy even in a caloric deficit. Mental clarity is profoundly increased." Sounds good right???

Then for breakfast, I have this "MRE Lite" meal replacement shake. And let me tell you........Let me tell you........ It's probably the best meal replacement shake I've ever had......EVER! The taste is great, I feel full, the taste is great, easy to drink, and did I mention, it taste great? Banana Nut Bread and Strawberry Shortcake! How could you NOT love those flavors???

 Then twice, I take these "Silencer" horse pills. Yes, they are huge tablets! I have to cut them in half. Four of these pill cut in half, oh my goodness! Had to make sure I had lots of water and chase it down with something. My first time, I was gagging! What's great is, its stimulant free, so I can take one in the mid morning, and one right before bed and I can sleep.

All in all, yes, my goal is still to lose weight and be healthy. I goofed off a bit, don't judge me! Hahahaha! This is my second full day on this, and I have lost 3 pounds already. Here's to new beginnings!!

I just realized that this is my first post of 2019. Happy Belated New Years!!!

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

ZOZOSUIT! Customized clothing and all this high tech stuff!

I was scrolling through Facebook the other day and this ad appeared for ZOZO Suit. Apparently this was a thing that came out from Japan in which the company sends you this black spandex-type suit with all these white dots on it, and you stand in front of your phone and takes pictures of you and it will give you your measurements and from there, you can go through this catalogue and buy clothes that will fit you.

Being the skeptic I am, I kind of brushed it off, since the suit was free, however, you had to pay $10 in shipping. However, the next day, there was a post of free shipping, so I went for it. All I had to do was give my height, weight and sex.

In a matter of days, the package arrived in the mail and decided to give it a try.

In a matter of days, the package containing the suit arrived. I opened it and set up my camera and donned the suit. I wasn't a one piece suit, but a pants and shirt.  Following the directions, It was suppose to take several pictures in the 12-11 o'clock positions. Sound easy right??? WRONG!!! It took me three toys before getting my measurements.

 I think I am going to try and do this more often to see how my measurements go, as I lose the weight. It should be interesting!!! I may not shop, but would be neat to see the changes.

Friday, September 7, 2018

Check Up Time! (Ideal Protein Program?)

Went in to see my dietitian today to check up to see how I was doing. I told her that I am having a hard time, and that the vegan lifestyle is really what I want to continue.

My weight did go down, but not the significant weight lose you see in a Ketogenic Diet. For me, it's been a mixture of vegan and Keto, which the dietitian stated was ok,  it was just that the weight wasn't going to come down super fast. I was okay with that.
She introduced this "Ideal Protein" Program as an alternative to look at, especially because I didn't know what to cook some times. It comes with all of these toys and coaching and the high point, pre-packaged food!!!

So there are 4 phases to this. The first phase you follow until your weight loss goal is achieved. The 2 14-day phases in which there is a gradual reintroduction of healthy carbs and fats, and then a maintenance phase which is about a year.

Tempting, very tempting. But I don't know about the idea of a $100 initial fee to start, and then approximately $25 a day just for the food and supplements alone, plus you still have to buy some of your proteins and vegetables........

Sorry, I think I am going to sit this one out.

On the other hand, she did increase my cars levels and my protein levels. So at least I have a little more leeway.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Awaiting the Hurricane

We are all awaiting the potential impact of Hurricane Lane. As of this morning, this catagory 4 hurricane is forecasted to bush up really close to the islands, bringing potentially high winds, heavy showers and high surf.

We've been busy around the house getting things ready, putting things away and enduring long lines to but the last minute things and fill up gas.

In moments like this? Especially once we go into survival mode, I think diet goes out the door. Give me my bottled water, spam, vienna sausages, and instant ramen! I don't think the Keto Gods will mind.

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Second Guessing the Whole Keto Thing

So as you can see, my weight is slowly creeping back up. I don't know if there is any correlation between the weight gain and the start of this whole Ketogenic Diet. All I can say is I am miserable, I am not liking the entire idea of eating meat. I was loving the whole Vegan/Vegetarian lifestyle, since there was not as many restrictions as with a Keto Diet.

I recently did some blood work, and really, the numbers were low, but since doing the Vegan/Vegetarian thing, it has been low. The big plus, I was losing weight. Not as fast as the Keto Diet, but I was still losing.

Kind of second guessing this whole idea of my future with this Keto Diet. I would rather live a happy life losing weight, versus living a miserable life losing weight.

On a more positive note, I like that I can wear some of the clothes that I haven't been able to wear in like some 10 years. I am not too sure why I kept clothes for 10 years, but yeah......

Still at the gym working out and swimming. I am finding that I am spending a lot more time there, than before. That's a good thing right?