Friday, January 26, 2018

To Hell With Those Numbers! The Journey CONTINUES!

Despite yesterday's asinine numbers, I have decided that I am not going to give up. I am 26 days into this and failure is not an option at this point! I am not going to give up because of some stupid numbers.

As I reflected on the numbers and printed out a different graft that was available online, I came to the realization that it really wasn't too bad. Most if not all are still in the normal range.

Last night I still swam, and this morning I still went walking. Jumped on the scale and now I am 11 pounds lighter than when I first started at the beginning of the month. I am still hopeful and optimistic that things will get better.

During my workout last night and this morning, I was listing to my newest "WakeUpTime" album titled "Motivation for Workout and Personal Growth." Loving it!!! Just the medicine I needed to keep the fight up.

This morning on my walk, I saw my Kangen Water lady. She said that in her experience, many people experience a spike in their numbers before it starts to normalize. I guess I hit my body's reset button or upgrading to a new operating system. That gave me further hope that all of this is a phase and that its going to get better.

I mean what's the worse that can happen? I am always getting scoldings from the doctor anyways.

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